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Lots or aeronautic equations, but you'd need a whole lot more data than you have given.

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Q: How would you calculate the air velocity to move a drop of liquid into the air stream?
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How do you calculate new velocity when speed changes?

That depends: based on what information? One calculation you might do is to add the original velocity with the velocity change (vector addition). However, normally you would proceed the other way: you would have to MEASURE the original velocity and the final velocity, and THEN calculate the difference in velocity.f

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By changing the temperature of the liquid (an object is dropping in) the velocity is likely to increase as the temperature increases because by increasing the temperature of the liquid, the result would be that the object's velocity will increase.submittted by munchez :-)

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Time and distance.

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The gradient , the channel roughness, and the channel shape all effect the speed or velocity of stream flow

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initial velocity would be ZERO before launch. To calculate the velocity you would need to hit that target at that distance you would need to know the mass of the rocket and the angle of launch or trajectory simplifying it

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I assume you refer to the formula distance = velocity x time. If an object moves upward, the distance would become the height.

Can a sheet flow be turbulent?

No...because.., whatever maybe the velocity u pump the liquid in sheet, the velocity would be same at all points (i think bernoulli's theorem)

How do you calculate velocity with mass and incline height?

Answer:vectors:downwards force vector at some angle is mg.cos(theta), where theta is the angle between the dowards vertical and the angle (downslope) the thing is travelling. Honestly though, it would depend on what info you had been given. That is a very general question.If the question was, "given the vertical downwards velocity, how would you calculate the velocity at some angle to that line?" Then it would be easier to help.I assume, because you give mass that you want to calculate the force, and are assuming that there is no friction present. Then there would be a constant acceleration of g.cos(theta).You might then use the above to calculate the final velocity experienced at that angle at some point in time, and then use one of the uniform acceleration formulas:v=u+at ; s=ut+(1/2)a.t^2 ; V^2=u^2 +2.a.s to calculate the final velocity. But the velocity would be constantly changing if there was a constant force and no friction, so time t would have to be given.Need more information on that one.

How would a reduction in friction in a stream channel affect the streams velocity?

As water in the stream channel flows, it encounters friction; the friction slows the forward movement. The shape,size, and roughness affect the amount of friction. High friction slows the stream significantly.

How would you calculate the resultant velocity of two velocity in opposite direction?

take them away from each other for example if there is a car with 20g to the left and 50 to the right the overall gravity force would be 30 to the right

How would you calculate the resultant velocity of two velocity in opposite directions?

take them away from each other for example if there is a car with 20g to the left and 50 to the right the overall gravity force would be 30 to the right