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The overall velocity would increase.

The ball would then have a curved path with some velocity vector in the North South direction and some vector in the East West Direction

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Q: If a ball is rolling in a straight line and you push it to the right what happends to the velocity?
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If a ball is rolling in a straight line and you push it to the right velocity Will?

If you push the ball to the right velocity in the same direction, it will continue moving in a straight line with the new velocity. If there are no other forces acting on it, it will maintain constant velocity due to inertia.

If a ball is rolling in a straight line and you push it to the right its velocity will to the right.?


If a ball is rolling in a straight line and you push it to the right its velocity will to the right?


If a ball is rolling in a straight line and you push it to the right its velocity will do what?


If a ball is rolling in a straight line and you push it to the right it's velocity Will?

If you push a ball rolling in a straight line to the right, its velocity will change in the direction you pushed it, affecting its speed and direction of motion. The velocity will have a component in the direction you pushed it, as well as any remaining component from its original motion.

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A straight line graph with negative slope slants downward from left to right.

What characterizes constant velocity motion on a position time graph?

A straight line with a constant slope. But the reverse is not true. A straight line with a constant slope only means constant speed in the radial direction. The velocity may have components at right angles to the radial direction that are changing.

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An upward sloping straight line.

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If stop on a hill how can you start moving without rolling back?

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