

Best Answer

mdccxlix minus mcx-with-line-on-topxcix

Improved Answer:-

Latin numeracy is the same as Roman numerals and the way in which we work them out today differs in the way that the Romans actually did themselves because of changes made to the real rules governing the Roman numeral system during the Middle Ages presumably to make it easier to convert Roman numerals into Hindu-Arabic numerals that were gradually being introduced into Western Europe at the time.

As a consequence of these changes today we would write out the equivalent of 1999 and 1749 as MCMXCIX and MDCCXLIX which makes any form of mathematical interaction between them almost impossible.

But there is evidence to suggest that the Romans would have calculated the equivalent of the Hindu-Arabic numerals of 1999 and 1749 on an abacus counting device as MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII and MDCCXXXXVIIII then probably simplified them to IMM and IMDCCL respectively which makes subtraction to be quite straightforward as follows:-

IMM-IMDCCL = CCL (2000-1)-(1750-1) = 250

Remember that in mathematics a double minus becomes a plus and that a minus multiplied by a minus also becomes a plus as does a minus divided by a minus.


MDCCCCLXXXXVIIII-MDCCXXXXVIIII = CCL (1999-1749 = 250) by cancelling out the numerals.

Latin numerals: M=1000, D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5 and I=1


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