

Best Answer

To the nearest ones, it's 94

To the nearest tens, it's 90

To the nearest hundred, it's 100

To the nearest thousand, it's 0

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Q: How would you round 94 to the highest place value?
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300 000.

Round each number to greatest place what does it mean math?

In the number 3,400 the greatest place would be the 3. And in 800, the greatest place would be the 8. Basically it is the highest value in a number.

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How do you round 7045 to the nearest ten thousand?

You would follow the rules of rounding. Always look to the place value directly to the right of the place value you wish to round off to. Since we wish to round to the nearest ten-thousands place value, we would look at the thousands place.In the thousands place we have a "7". By the rules of rounding, if it's "5 or more", we must round up. Therefore, 7045 rounded to the nearest ten-thousands place would be 10,000.

How do you round 48.556 to the nearest hundredth?

When rounding, we always look to the next highest places value to determine if we need to round up, or not. In this case, the hundredth place contains a "5' and the place next to it contains a "6". Generally if the number is 5 or greater, we round up. 48.556 to the nearest hundredth would be 48.56.

What is 353 rounded up to?

If you're rounding by the hundreds place it would round to 400. If you're rounding by the tens place it would round to 350. This all depends by which value you decide to round with.

How do you round 1985027 to the nearest hundred thousand?

You would round 1,985,027 as you would with any other number. You achieve this by looking at the digit in the place value directly to the right of the place value you're rounding too. In your case, you're trying to round to the closest hundred thousand.In 1,985,000, the 9 is the starting of the hundred thousands place value. If the value of the number directly to the right of it (8) is more than five, you round up. If it's less than five - round down.Here, the ten-thousands place is an 8, which is greater than five. So you round up. 1,985,027 becomes 2,000,000. Because the place value can be no higher than a 9. So you're actually rounding to the next million because the hundred thousands place value has exceeded the highest number in the real number line (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9).

What does round to the stated place value mean?

When you round something you take the number to the nearest whole. For instance 140 rounded to the nearest hundred (the place value) will be 100 while 160 would become 200

How do you round the 426.73 to the give place value tenths?

It is: 426.7 rounded to the tenths place because 0.03 is less than 0.05 If the number was 426.75 then it would round to 426.8 in the tenths place

Can you round of 250?

Depends. When you round off something, it has to be to a value. 250 rounded off to its nearest tens place would be 250, rounded to its nearest hundreds place would be 300.

What is 4.888 rounded to the nearest tenth?


Would you round the decimal 555 to the tenths place?

No, i would round it to the hundredths place = 0.56