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Q: How you find six trig functions of 180 degree?
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What are the 6 trig functions for a -180 degree angle?

Sin= 0 Cos= -1 Tan= 0 Csc= undef. Sec= -1 Cot= undef.

What is the period all trigonometric functions?

The basic trigonometric functions have periods of pi or 2pi radians (180 or 360 degrees). But a key property of a trig function is that it can be made to have any periodicity.The basic trigonometric functions have periods of pi or 2pi radians (180 or 360 degrees). But a key property of a trig function is that it can be made to have any periodicity.The basic trigonometric functions have periods of pi or 2pi radians (180 or 360 degrees). But a key property of a trig function is that it can be made to have any periodicity.The basic trigonometric functions have periods of pi or 2pi radians (180 or 360 degrees). But a key property of a trig function is that it can be made to have any periodicity.

Find the supplement of a 98 angle?

180-98=82 degrees so that is the supplement.Geometry tells us that two angles are supplementary if their sum is 180 degree. to find out the supplement of 82 degree we subtract: 180-82= 78 degree. Answer: the supplement of 82 degree is 78 degree.

What is the formula to find interior angles of a triangle?

angle+angle+angle=180 degree then'a+b+c=180 degree example: Q what is the angle of a triangle,if a=50,b=60? answer:a+b+c=180 degree a+50+60=180 degree a+110=180 degreea=180-110 a=70 degree please answar my question

What is the supplement of 179 angle?

It is a 1 degree angle

Where can I find info on 180 degree metabolism diet online?

You can read about the 180 Degree Metabolism Diet online at This will give you a great overview of the plan as well as recommended foods.

What is a 45 degree angle in terms of pi?

1/4 pi to find the degree in terms of pi, divide the degree by 180 in this example, 45 / 180 = 1/4

What does evaluate the expression in both radians and degrees mean?

Radians and degrees are two different systems for measuring the size of an angle. In radians, a full circle is 2pi radians. In degrees, a full circle is 360 degrees. If you want to evaluate an expression in both, then first simplify and evaluate the expression plugging in radian values into your trig functions. The second time, use degree values. On your calculator, you can switch modes between radians and degrees. It should give you the same answer unless you are supposed to leave it written as unevaluated trig functions or something like that. To convert from radians to degrees... radians=degrees * (pi/180)

What is 180 degree celsius in microwave oven?

180 degree Celsius are 180 degree Celsius, inside and outside of a microwave oven.

What is the degree of a seven sided polygon?

to find the degree of any polygon: [number of sides] minus 2, multiplied by 180. So it would be (7-2) x 180 = 900

How do you find the measure of the supplement of a 103 degree angle?

Subtract the 103 from 180 to get 77 degrees.

How much is 180 C?

180 degree Celsius = 356 degree Fahrenheit