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Q: If the following arithmetic operations are found in a formula with no parentheses, which one is completed last?
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If the following arithmetic operations all are found in a formula with no parenteses which one is completed last?

the Plus sign is completed last +

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What does the arithmetic operator do in Excel?

The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)The following are valid Excel operations for arithmetic in Excel:+ (plus)- (minus)/ (divide)* (multiply)^ (power of)

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What role does Order of Operations play in simplifying algebraic expressions What would happen if we didn't use order of operations?

The order of operations defines, in the absence of parentheses, the order in which binary operations in arithmetic (or algebra) may be carried out. If it were not used, most expressions with more than one kind of operation would have more than one answers. Alternatively, each expression would have to have a parentheses to indicate the Order of Operations and that would make expressions more difficult to read. eg 2+3*5 = 2+15 = 17 (following Order of Ops), but 2+3*5 = 5*5 = 25 (NOT following Order of Ops).

What is an arithmetic operator in c program?

An arithmetic operator is any of the "atomic" operators to do the following math operations: + addition - subtraction / division * multiplication % modulus division

What is changing the order of operations with parentheses?

Parentheses are the following symbols: ( & ). These are parentheses. These help to do equations for example : 3+2x3=9 u are to put the parentheses or the backetts or the {} to help solve the equation so this is the way to put them in : 3+(2x3)=9. Hope This Helps!

Which are the possibe arithmetic operation with pointers?

Pointers in C are stored as integers. You can perform any mathematical operations on pointers that you can perform on ints.Of course not, the following operations are possible: =, +, +=, ++, -, -=, --, *, [], ->, typecast

Why is important that everyone follows the same order of operations?

Simple answer - people would get different answers. When it comes to Arithmetic, there is just one correct answer and that comes by following the correct order of operations :-)

What does algorisms mean?

Algorism is a process for carrying out basic operations in arithmetic by writing out numbers in their place value form and then following memorised procedures.

How do you find the value of a numeric expression?

If you know the value of any variables, replace them. Then carry out all the arithmetic operations following the rules (BIDMAS/PEMDAS).

What are valid Excel arithmetic operators?

The following are valid Excel operators for arithmetic: + (plus) - (minus) / (divide) * (multiply) ^ (power of) These can help you create operations, which would be your formulas that use the operators: =A2+A7 =10^2