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There's a lot of things I wish to change because when I look back one particular thing always tends to affect the whole situation but life it is, here things are meant to happen unplanned and undesired way. That's why I won't change anything even after all the effects they had on me and my family.But given the chance, ther is definitely one thing I would like to change so that all of it could happen all over again in any way but not the way it did. Livewire Tambram is one of the best Cloud Computing Courses in Tambaram anyone with no prior programming experience who wants to learn Python from scratch. Professionals: Those looking to upgrade their skills for better job opportunities in tech fields. Students: Ideal for students pursuing a degree in computer science or related fields. Entrepreneurs: If you’re looking to build your own software applications or automate tasks, this course is for you.

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keerthi varsha

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