

Best Answer

There are several problems here. They include . . .

-- This convoluted statement is not a question.

-- It begins with a nonsense hypothesis, and seems to build from there.

Zero is not everything and nothing at the same time. One is moved to

scream "What in Sam's Hill does thatmean?".

-- The "If ... then ..." format is written as "If ... than ...", seemingly in order

to throw any well meaning responders off the trail if they come too close.

-- The proposed conclusion that rests on the flawed hypothesis is so

grammatically convoluted that the reader finds himself correcting it as he

goes along, just to come up with a sentence to which he can respond.

Taken as a whole, it's enough to give the art of syllogism a bad name.

I'm pretty sure that IF there is an actual question here somewhere, then

the answer is "No".

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Q: If 0 is everything and nothing at the same time than is it not equally possible to have a universe than have nothing?
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