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Q: If 45 years old what year where you born?
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If you are 45 years old what year wERE you born in?

2009 - 45 = 1964

How old is somebody if they were born in the year 1966?

The person would be 45 years old!

How old is my mom if she was born on February 10 1967?

She is 45 years old and currently into 46th year.

What year will your birthday be if your age is 45 years old?

you would have been born in 1965

How old would you be if you were born in 45?

You would be one thousand, nine hundred and Sixty Four years old if you were born in the year 45 a.d. You would be 64 if born in 1945.

Who is eligible to run for the presidency a 45-year old banker who was born and raised in Wyoming or a 30-year-old State legislator who was born in Virginia and lived abroad?

The 45 year old banker is eligible to run for the presidency, as you must be 35 years old to be President of the United States.

If you were born in 1964 how old would you be now?

Assuming the current year of 2010, someone born in 1964 who has had their birthday already this year would be 46 years old. If you have not had your birthday yet, you would be 45.

How old are you if you are born in 1963?

45 years old

How many years I live?

To find out how many years you have lived: Subtract the year you were born, from the current year. For example: if you were born in 1969 (2014 - 1969 = 45) you would have lived for 45 years.

Did Lorenzo de Zavala die?

Lorenzo de zavala was born in the year of 1789 and died in the year of 1836 so he was about 45 years old when he died

How old is an 45 year old in a birth date?

Someone who is 45 in 2010 was born in either 1965 or 1964 (and will be turning 46 later in the year.)

If you graduated in 1989 what year would this person be born in and how old would they be?

A 37 year old, born in 1971, would have graduated in 1989.