If you are 45 years old, you would have been born in the year 1977. This calculation is based on the current year minus your age. As of 2022, subtracting 45 from the current year gives you 1977 as the year of birth.
Oh, what a happy little question! If you are 45 years old, it means you were born 45 years ago. So, if we take the current year and subtract 45 from it, we can find the year you were born. Just like painting a beautiful landscape, sometimes all it takes is a few simple brushstrokes to reveal the hidden beauty underneath.
Assuming today's date of February 23, 2010, if the man was celebrating his birthday today, he would have been born in 2010 - 45 = 1965.
The person would be 45 years old!
you would have been born in 1965
the present year is 2010 the your age is ( 2010 - 1965 ) = 45
2009 - 45 = 1964
Well, if you're 45 years old now, you must have been born in 1977 or 1976 depending on your birthday. Math isn't rocket science, darling!
Oh, what a happy little question! If you are 45 years old, it means you were born 45 years ago. So, if we take the current year and subtract 45 from it, we can find the year you were born. Just like painting a beautiful landscape, sometimes all it takes is a few simple brushstrokes to reveal the hidden beauty underneath.
To find out how many years you have lived: Subtract the year you were born, from the current year. For example: if you were born in 1969 (2014 - 1969 = 45) you would have lived for 45 years.
Someone who is 45 in 2010 was born in either 1965 or 1964 (and will be turning 46 later in the year.)
Assuming today's date of February 23, 2010, if the man was celebrating his birthday today, he would have been born in 2010 - 45 = 1965.
You would be one thousand, nine hundred and Sixty Four years old if you were born in the year 45 a.d. You would be 64 if born in 1945.
Oh, dude, if someone is 45, they were born in 1976 or 1975. Like, you know, basic math and stuff. So, if you're looking for a specific year, it's one of those two. Cool, right?
born may 16 1966,so she is 45 yeas old
The next baby born as a 4 year old.
The person would be 45 years old!