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2 Ounces.

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Q: If 6 ounces is reduced by one third What is the total weight of ounces?
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What is the weight of six dozen eggs that equal the total of 180 ounces?

The weight of the 72 eggs is 180 ounces. That would be an average of 2.5 ounces per egg.

What is the formula to convert 14K gold to troy ounces?

Multiply the total weight of the object in grams by 0.03215. Then multiple that result by the Karat weight of the item (14 in your example), and divide that total by 24. Example: 10 gram 14K ring x .03215 = .32 troy ounces total weight, x 14/24 = .19 troy ounces of gold

Mrs Jones had six 12 ounces packages of rolls what is the total weight in pounds and ounces?

Six 12-ounces packages is equal to: 4 pounds 8 ounces.

What is the total weight of 32 ounces 2 pounds and 1 kilogram?

The total mass is 2,814 369 4 kg.

How many grams in apound?

There are a total of 16 ounces in one pound. Ounces are used commonly in weight when the object is smaller.

Afton made a chicken dish for dinner.she added a 1-ounce package of vegetables and 14-ounces package of rice to 40 ounces of chicken.what was the total weight of the chicken dish in pounds?

Rice absorbs water as it cooks so 14 ounces of rice will have a mass much greater than 14 ounces. However, assuming that the mass of rice remains 14 ounces, the total weight will be It is 110 poundals.

What is the main advantage of a multistage rocket?

that the total weight of the rocket is greatly reduced as the rocket rises

How do you measure ounces to pounds?

There are sixteen ounces in a pound, by American weight. If the deli scale shows, for example, 1.25, that means that the 1 means one pound, and the .25 means a quarter of a pound (use your knowledge of decimal math: .25 = quarter, or 25%, .5 = half, or 50 %, etc.) If you need to know the total ounces that represents, 1 = 16 ounces and .25 is one quarter of sixteen, and 16 divided by 4, = 4 ounces Add sixteen and four, and you get 20 ounces total weight. Keep in mind that if the item being weighed is in a container, the container has weight of its own. The deli clerk should subtract the container's weight (T.A.R.E.) from the total weight, so that you don't pay the item's per pound price for the container.

What is the total weight of a roll of pre 1965 quarters?

40 x 6.25 = 250 grams, ~8 ounces.

If a hockey puck weighs 6 ounces how many hockey pucks would be in a carton that weighs 6 pounds?

16 Google this - "6 pounds in ounces" Answer = 96 Divide 96 by 6 (total weight by single weight)

What is total weight of a bag of potatoes that weighs 5 pounds and a box of rice that weighs 32 ounces?

7 pounds

There are 6 babies in a nursery Each baby weighs between 81 ounces and 96 ounces Which could be the total weight of the 6 babies?

How much does each weigh though? It rreally depends on that.