

Best Answer

With 4 angles it will be a quadrilateral. Depending upon which angles are acute and which are obtuse and their sizes, and the side lengths it could be:

  • a general quadrilateral
  • a parallelogram
  • a rhombus
  • a trapezium
  • a kite
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Q: If I drew a shape with 2 acute angles and 2 obtuse angles what shape could I have drawn?
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Do octagons have only obtuse angles?

No, not if it is a randomly-drawn 8-vertex shape. Octagons only have all- obtuse angles if it is a regular octagon, like the shape of a stop sign.

What triangle cannot be drawn?

an obtuse scalene triangle

How would the construction be different if you changed the compass setting in step 4 of the perpendicular bisector construction?

If the compass angle is changed, the entire geometric shape being drawn is different. For example, if a triangle is being drawn, it could change from an obtuse triangle from a ninety degree triangle.

What is a Scalene Acute Triangle?

A scalene triangle is one where each side is a different length. Acute means that the largest interior angle of the triancle is less than 90 degrees A triangle is one of the basic shapes of geometry: a polygon with three corners or vertices and three sides or edges which are line segments. A triangle with vertices A, B, and C is denoted Triangle (Trigon) ABC. Scalene triangle is a triangle in which all the sides of the triangle will be unequal. The angles of triangle will be unequal. In the above triangle, the sides of the triangle are 8 cm, 10 cm, and 16 cm. The Scalene Triangle has no congruent sides. The Acute Triangle has three acute angles (an acute angle measures less than 90°) Scalene triangles are unusual in that the are defined by what they are not. Most triangles drawn at random would be scalene. The interior angles of a scalene triangle are always all different. The converse of this is also true - If all three angles are different, then the triangle is scalene, and all the sides are different lengths.

How many exterior angles can be drawn at one vertex of a triangle?


Related questions

Do octagons have only obtuse angles?

No, not if it is a randomly-drawn 8-vertex shape. Octagons only have all- obtuse angles if it is a regular octagon, like the shape of a stop sign.

Is a triangle obtuse scalene or triangle?

The word 'Triangle' is a collective noun for different shaped triangles. They are ;- Equilateral(Acute) ; all sides are the same length , and all angles are 60 degrees. Isosceles (Can be Obtuse) ; two sides are the same length and two angles are equal. Right-angles (only Acute) ; one of the angles is a right angle(90 degrees) Scalene ; All sides are different length and all angles are different values. May be either acute of obtuse. For ALL triangles, on a plane surface, the sum of the interior angles is ALWAYS 180 degrees. NB For triangles drawn on a 3-dimensional surface, ( a sphere ; the Earth) the angles may add to 360 degrees.

What is the difference between an obtuse scalene triangle and an acute isosceles triangle?

The word 'Triangle' means 'three angles' more archaicly, a 'trigon'. It is also a collective noun for different shapes of triangles. OBTUSE ; one of the angles in a triangle is greater than 90 degrees. By summation it means the other two angles musr be less than 90 degrees, SCALENE ; All the sides and all the angles are different. This type of triangle my exhibit obtuse characteristics. ACUTE ISOSCELES ; All the angles are less than 90 degrees. Two of the three angles are the same size, and two of the three sides are the same length. NB It is possible to have an OBTUSE Isosceles. triangle. There is a fourth type of triangle, which is a 'RIGHT ANGLED' triangle. In this case one angle is 90 degrees. This type of triangle may be ISOSCELES or SCALENE. NB For ALL triangles, drawn on a plane surface, the sum of the interior angles is ALWAYS 180 degrees. However, for triangles drawen on a curved surface; a sphere , the EARTH, the sum of the interior angles may add up to 360 degrees.

Can an acute triangle with angles measuring 60 62 and 58 be drawn?

Yes Total of angles add up to 180, and all angles are below 90 degrees

What triangle cannot be drawn?

an obtuse scalene triangle

ABCDE is a regular pentagon. A line is drawn from B to E. What is the size of angle ABE?

The internal angles of a regular pentagon are 108°. (If you need proof I like to use external angles, rather than memorizing an internal angle formula: 360°/5 = 72° => internal angle = 180°-72° = 108°) Drawing a line from B to E will form an obtuse Isosceles triangle with A forming the obtuse angle. Angle A is not affected, and remains 108°. The sum of all the angles of a triangle are equal to 180°, and our triangle is isosceles, so half the remaining amount (after subtracting angle A) is equal to the two acute angles (ABE and BEA). 1/2(180°-108° = 72°) = 36°

Given n points in the plane you draw all possible triangles whose vertices are any three of the given points Atleast how many of them are obtuse-angled triangles?

The least number of obtuse triangles, if all possible triangles are drawn for n points in a plane, is zero. If all the n points lie in a straight line, no triangles are possible and so no obtuse triangles are able to be drawn; thus for any number n, there is a possibility that no obtuse triangles can be drawn, so the least possible number of obtuse triangles drawn is zero.

Can a acute equilateral triangle be drawn?

yes of course

Can a triangle be drawn with more than one acute angle?

Yes it can.

Does an equilateral triangle has angles?

All triangles have 3 internal angles. If drawn on a flat plane (that is redundant, but you could imagine a triangle on a sphere or some other shape) the internal angles will add to 180 degrees. In an equilateral triangle all three internal angles are equal.

Can a triangle be drawn with exactly one acute angle?

No, not in plane (Euclidean) geometry.

What angles can be drawn a triangle?

All triangles have 3 interior angles that add up to 180 degrees