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Yes, but any faster and you'll eventually hit the car in front of you?

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Q: If a car is traveling 55 MPH can the car behind it be going 55 MPH too?
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A car traveling 100 kph is going how many mph?

100 kph is going 62.14 mph.

How far should a car be behind another car traveling at 55 mph?

three car spaces

What is the normal rate that a car should be traveling behind another car?

One car length for every 10 mph.

A pickup can travel 300 miles in the same time that a car going 10 mph faster can travel 350 miles How fast is the car traveling?

We know that the time traveled is 5 hours, since a car going 10 mph faster travels an extra 50 miles over the same amount of time.Dividing 300 miles by 5 hours, we get 60 mph. Since the car is traveling 10 mph, the car is traveling 70 mph.

When your car is traveling at 55 mph how fast is your body traveling?

When your car is traveling at a constant speed of 55 mph, your body inside the car is also moving at 55 mph relative to the car. This is because you are moving along with the car, experiencing the same speed as the vehicle you are in.

Does a car traveling at 60 mph carries four times the energy as the same car traveling at 30 mph?

No, the energy of a moving car is proportional to the square of its speed. So, a car traveling at 60 mph carries four times the energy as the same car traveling at 30 mph.

A car traveling at 60 mph carries times the energy as the same car traveling 30 mph?


Will Car B overtake Car A if Car A Is Traveling in a straight line at a constant speed of 60 Mph and Car B Is 20 Feet behind Car A traveling at a constant speed of 60 Mph?

No, Car B will not overtake Car A because they are moving at the same speed. They will maintain the same distance between them as long as both continue to travel at 60 mph.

What is the acceleration of a car that is going at a steady speed of 74 mph?

If something is traveling at a "steady" speed, it can't be accelerating.

Which is faster - a car traveling at 60 mph or a cheetah running at 25 meters per second?

The car going 60 mph is traveling faster. The cheetah, running at 25 meters per second is moving at 55.9 miles per hour.

How long does it take to 65 miles by car?

Need to know how fast the car is going. If the car is traveling at 65 mph, it will go 65 miles in one hour.

What is this car's reaction distance if a car is traveling at 40 mph?
