

Best Answer

Diameter = 6 inches

Radius = 3 inches

Circumference = 2 x pi x radius = 18.84955592 inches

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Q: If a circle has a deameter of 6 inches about how long is its circumference?
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What is the circumference and area of a circle with the radius 5 inches long use 3.14 for the value of pi?

Circumference of circle: 31.4 inchesArea of circle: 78.5 square inches

What is the radius for 11 inches?

It is a line, which is 11 inches long, from the circumference of a circle to its centre.

If the radius of a circle is 8 inches long what is the circumference?

If r = 8 inches then C = 50.27 inches.

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360/30*2 = 24 = circumference of the circle 24/2*pi = 3.819718634 inches = radius of the circle

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If the circumference of the circle is 2.5 inches then its diameter is 2.5/pi = 0.796 of an inch rounded up to 3 decimal places

What is the circumference of a circle if it is 13 cenatmeters long?

Circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or pi*diameter

If something 36inch long and you have to buy 12inch circle how many do you get?

The perimeter or circumference of a circle is pi x diameter where pi = 3.1416 The circumference of a 12 inch circle is 3.1416 x 12 = 37.699 inches so two 36 inch lengths will be required.

What is the diameter of a circle that is 20 inches long?

The diameter is the same as the length, so it is 20 inches. If you meant to say that the circumference was 20 inches, then divide by pi, which is 3.1416 20 / 3.1416 = 6.4 inches

How long is the circumference of a circle if the diameter is 7cm?

A circumference of 21.99 cm

What is the circumference of a circle if the diameter is ten feet long?

The circumference of a circle if the diameter is 10 feet long is: Pi x 10 (about 31.416).

If the circumference of the rim of the wheel is 27 inches how long is each spoke?

Assuming a spoke represents the radius of the circle, each one would be 4.29 inches long. When given the circumference (27 inches), the radius (spokes) is calculated using the formula r = C / 2(pi); or Radius = 27 inches / [2(3.14)].

What is the circumference of a 21-inch circle how can solve?

By a 21-inch circle I presume you mean that the diameter is 21 inches. So the radius is half as long, 10.5 inches. The formula for the circumference of a circle is 2 pi r, where r is the radius. Pi is about 3.14. That is accurate to 2 decimals, or 3 significant digits all together. I use that approximation because the dimension we are given has 2 significant digits. So the circumference is pi times the diameter; we multiply 3.14 by 21 inches and get 65.94. To 2 significant digits, that is 66 inches. If you meant that the radius was 21 inches, then the circumference would be twice as much, or 132 inches.