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Q: If a matrix has only one element is it a square matrix?
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When is it important for a matrix to be square?

In the context of matrix algebra there are more operations that one can perform on a square matrix. For example you can talk about the inverse of a square matrix (or at least some square matrices) but not for non-square matrices.

What are the proper subsets of 36912 in matrix form?

The only proper subset of a set comprising one element, is the null set.

What is a non-singuar matrix?

A non-singular matrix is basically one that has a multiplicative inverse. More specifically, a matrix "A" is non-singular if there is a matrix "B", such that AB = BA = 1, where "1" is the unity matrix. Non-singular matrixes are those that have a non-zero determinant. Singular and non-singular matrixes are only defined for square matrixes.

How do find matrix inverse of 4cross 4matrix?

Next to your 4x4 matrix, place the 4x4 identity matrix on the right and adjoined to the one you want to invert. Now you can use row operations and change your original matrix on the left to a 4x4 identity matrix. Each time you do a row operation, make sure you do the same thing to the rows of the original identity matrix. You end up with the identity now on the left and the inverse on the right. You can also calculate the inverse using the adjoint. The adjoint matrix is computed by taking the transpose of a matrix where each element is cofactor of the corresponding element in the original matrix. You find the cofactor t of the matrix created by taking the original matrix and removing the row and column for the element you are calculating the cofactor of. The signs of the cofactors alternate, just as when computing the determinant

Can a 3 X 4 matrix be multiplied by a 4 X 1 matrix?

Yes. If one matrix is p*q and another is r*s then they can be multiplied if and only if q = r and, in that case, the result is a p*s matrix.

Related questions

When is it important for a matrix to be square?

In the context of matrix algebra there are more operations that one can perform on a square matrix. For example you can talk about the inverse of a square matrix (or at least some square matrices) but not for non-square matrices.

What are the proper subsets of 36912 in matrix form?

The only proper subset of a set comprising one element, is the null set.

When can you not invert a matrix?

If it is not a square matrix. You cannot invert a square matrix if it is singular. That means that at least one of the rows of the matrix can be expressed as a linear combination of the other rows. A simple test is that a matrix cannot be inverted if its determinant is zero.

What is a non-singuar matrix?

A non-singular matrix is basically one that has a multiplicative inverse. More specifically, a matrix "A" is non-singular if there is a matrix "B", such that AB = BA = 1, where "1" is the unity matrix. Non-singular matrixes are those that have a non-zero determinant. Singular and non-singular matrixes are only defined for square matrixes.

What is alloy and it compositions?

an alloy is a partial or complete solid solution of one or more element in metallic matrix

Write A programme of calculating address of one element of multi dimensional matrix?

If the element is a[i][j][k][l], then it's address is &a[i][j][k][l]

How do find matrix inverse of 4cross 4matrix?

Next to your 4x4 matrix, place the 4x4 identity matrix on the right and adjoined to the one you want to invert. Now you can use row operations and change your original matrix on the left to a 4x4 identity matrix. Each time you do a row operation, make sure you do the same thing to the rows of the original identity matrix. You end up with the identity now on the left and the inverse on the right. You can also calculate the inverse using the adjoint. The adjoint matrix is computed by taking the transpose of a matrix where each element is cofactor of the corresponding element in the original matrix. You find the cofactor t of the matrix created by taking the original matrix and removing the row and column for the element you are calculating the cofactor of. The signs of the cofactors alternate, just as when computing the determinant

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Can a 3 X 4 matrix be multiplied by a 4 X 1 matrix?

Yes. If one matrix is p*q and another is r*s then they can be multiplied if and only if q = r and, in that case, the result is a p*s matrix.

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The lightest element with only one proton is hydrogen.

If a substance is composed entirely of one type of atom it is known as a?

An Element is the substance consisting of only one type of atom

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