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Right angle not polygon. (i'm not mad).

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Q: If a regular polygon measures 90 degrees what is the name of the polygon?
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What is the name of a regular polygon when the sum of the measures of the angles is 1080?


What would the name for a polygon that measures 1080 degrees?

An octagon has interior angles of 1080 degrees.

What is the name of a polygon in which the sum of the measures of the interior angles is 540 degrees?

A pentagon

What is the name of polygon that has 40 degrees exterior angle?

Providing that it is a regular polygon then it is a nonagon which has 9 sides

The angle of rotation of a regular polygon is 45 degrees What is the name of the polygon?

an Octagon, because 360/8=45.

What is the name of a polygon when all interior angles are 120 degrees?

If each interior angle measures 120 degrees then it is an hexagon which has 6 sides

What would the name for a polygon with the exterior angle of 72 degrees?

It is a regular 5 sided pentagon

What is the name of a regular polygon whose interior angles are 160 degrees each?

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Name the convex polygon whose interior angle measures have each given sum -540 degrees -900 degrees -1800 degrees -2520 degrees thanks?

x + 24375=75

Name each polygon tell if it appears to be a regular polygon?

It is not possible to name each polygon since there are infinitely many of them. There is no relationship between whether a polygon is regular and the number of sides or angles that it has. So, there is no way to determine, from its name, if a polygon is regular.

What is the name of th regular polygon whose interior angle is treble its exterior?

It is a regular 8 sided octagon whose interior angles are 135 degrees and its exterior angles are 45 degrees