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an exact answer would be twelve times the square root of three

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Q: If a right triangle's hypotnuse 31 an the leg length 23 what does that leave the base?
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Explain in the pythagorean theorem must be a right triangle?

yes it only apllies to the right triangle and "c" is the hypotnuse of the triangles

If the hypotnuse of a right triangle is 31 an the leg length is 23 what is the base length?

sqrt(312 - 232) = sqrt(432) = 20.785 units

How do you find the hypotnuse of a right triangle?

square the length of the 2 shorter sides, add them together, take the square root and you have the hypotenuse

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Using Pythagoras' theorem: a2+b2 = c2 whereas a and b are the sides of the triangle and c is its hypotenuse

What is the formula of pythagorous theorm?

height*height+base*base=hypotnuse*hypotnuse where hypotenuse is the longest side in a right angled triangle

What are right angled scalene triangles?

Right triangles have one right angle. Scalene triangleIs have sides of unequal length. Right scalene triangles combine those aspects.

Are all right triangles an isosceles triangles?

Yes- but not all isosceles triangles are right triangles. Isosceles means that two sides are the same length, and two angles are the same.

Does the Pythagorean Theorem work on all triangles with side length of 1?

it works on all right triangles

Does the Pythagorean Theorem work on all triangles?

No, the pythagorean theorem only works on right triangles, but it will work on any right triangle. This is because the Pythagorean Theorem states that length of Leg A squared plus the length of Leg B Squared equals the length of the hypotenuse squared. A hypotenuse is always found opposite a right angle. Only right triangles have right angles; therefore, the Pythagorean Theorem only applies to right triangles. :D

What triangles are formed when you draw a line down the middle of an equilateral triangle?

an icoceles triangle or a scalene triangle Actually you would get two right angled triangles. Isosceles triangles have two sides which are equal in length. A scalene triangle has all sides a different length and no right angles.

How is classifying a triangle as a right triangle different from classifying it as an equilateral triangle?

Right Triangles = 1 angle is 90 degrees Equilateral Triangles = Triangles with all three sides are equal in length

What is a cosine?

In trigonometry, when we look at right triangles, the cosine is the ratio of the length of the adjacent side to the length of the hypotenuse.