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the height has to be 22

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Q: If a triangle has an area 88 and length 14 minus the height what is the height?
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The area of any triangle is (1/2) x (length of the base) x (height). We're sure you can take it from there.

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The area is 12cm2

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If the given length is the measure length of the base of the triangle, then the area of the triangle is: A = (bh)/2 = (10 x 20)/2 = 100.

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The relationship between the area of a triangle and a rectangle is a Triangle is base times height divided by 2. Area of a rectangle is length times height.

How do you find the length of the base with no area and no height?

The measurement of the angle of the triangle...supposing it is a triangle.

What is the formula to finding an area to a right triangle?

The area of any triangle is1/2 of (the length of the triangle's base) times (the triangle's height).

Find the area of each triangle?

Formula for area of Triangle: a=0.5(bh) Where b is the base length and h is the height. For example, a triangle of base 10 and height 5 has an area of 25.

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The area of any triangle is (1/2 the length of its base) x (its height).

What is the area of a triangle with base of 4'' and a height of 10''?

The area of a triangle is (1/2) x (length of the base) x (height of the triangle). You ought to be able to handle it from this point.

What is the area of a triangle that has a base of 18'' and a height of 9''?

The area of a triangle is (1/2) x (length of the base) x (height of the triangle). You ought to be able to handle it from this point.

What is the area of a triangle that is 12 in and 16 in?

What is 12 in ? And what is 16 in ? ? Are they the lengths of two sides of the triangle ? Are they the length of one side and the height of the triangle ? The area of any triangle is 1/2 of the product of (length of its base) x (its height).

What is the area of a triangle with a bottom length of 3 yd?

Need to know the triangle's height to tell.