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Answer Could be that she finds you attractive, why not follow her and see if she minds joining you for a coffee. What have you to loose.

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Q: If a woman walking by gives you a smile does it mean she finds you attractive?
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Why does a guy raise his eyebrows and gives you a little smile?

Raising his eyebrows and giving a little smile could be a nonverbal signal suggesting interest or intrigue. It may indicate that he finds you appealing or that he is open to further interaction.

What does it mean when a guy constantly looks at you and smile it makes me feel weird but i smile back?

It could mean that he finds you attractive or interesting. Smiling back doesn't necessarily mean you are interested, so if it makes you feel weird, you can choose to acknowledge the smile politely and then go about your business.

How do girls look more attractive?

Being yourself is one of the most attractive qualities a guy finds in a girl. Smile when you can, and let him know you can have a laugh with him. Many guys find that a girl looks most attractive when they are not over doing the makeup or trying to hard. Were a perfume that when he See's you will remember the way you smelt.

Why do most girls smile at me?

Girls may smile at your because they find you attractive or kind.

Why do you think guys are hot?

because their nice, attractive and have a good smile.

What do guys think is the most attractive feature in a woman's body?

their smile :)

What does Justin Bieber finds in girls?

nice eyes and a pretty smile.

How do you be noticed by a guy?

Every person is different, but usually a smile and eye contact will get you noticed. Almost everyone looks more attractive when they smile.

Why is good having a good smile?

A nice smile makes you look attractive and friendly. The meaning of a smile is programmed into the human child from birth, use of a smile is part of non verbal communication and body language. In courtship a smiles showing healthy, white teeth indicates good health and a strong genetic makeup which will be attractive to the opposite partner.

Can girls be intemedated when your really attractive?

Yeah, a lot! Especially if you have that kind of killer smile.

What should you tell a guy what you like about him?

Just tell what is most attractive about him to you. If it's his smile for example, talk to him and be friendly and compliment him. Say 'you have a nice smile'.

Why would a guy smile and blush once he finds out a girl likes him?

because he is happy