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This would indicate that there is a linear relationship between manipulating and responding variables.

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Q: If doubling the manipulating variable results in a doubling of the responding variable the relationship between the variables is a?
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What is the relationship between the variables in an experiment if you double the manipulated variables resulting in a doubling of the responding variables?

it is a direct relationship -eli martin

In an experiment if doubling the manipulated variable results in a doubling of the responding variable the relationship between the variables is a?

it is a direct relationship -eli martin

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If the variables are inversely related, doubling one will half the other.

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The rate of growth and, unless the relationship is exponential, the frequency of each growth cycle.

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Doubling a number is equivalent to multiplying by 2. Doubling twice (doubling, and then doubling the result again) is equivalent to multiplying by 4. (Also, doubling three times is the same as multiplying by 8, doubling 4 times is the same as multiplying by 16, etc.)

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I'm not completely sure but I think it's like this. Doubling 1 would be 2. Doubling 2 would be 4. Doubling 4 would be 8. Doubling 8 would be 16. Doubling 16 would be 32. Doubling 32 would be 64. (

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