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Q: If the exponent is in cosine the formula to use is cosine derivatives?
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How do you solve for a triangle with two angles but no lengths?

you can use the sine, cosine, tangent formula.

How do you prove Leibniz formula for the nth derivatives?

Prove it by induction on n, use 0 or 1 as base cases.

What is the formula for calculating the central angle given chord length and radius?

You can use the cosine rule to calculate the central angle.

Real life example of rational exponents?

A rational exponent is an exponent in the form of a fraction. Many financial formulas use rational exponents. Compound interest is formula that uses rational exponents.

How do you use cosine?

cosine = adjacent/hypotenuse. It can be used as other trig functions can.

How can you use exponent in a sentence?

"It is easy to use an exponent in a sentence." There, that sentence uses it!

HOW TO FIND compound interest?

So you use the formula balance=principal(1+n over the number of years the the exponent ;0

How do you use an exponent to represent a number such as 16?

How do you use an exponent to represent a number such as 16

Where to use sine and cosine in physics?

The sine, cosine and tangent are used to find the degrees of a right angle triangle.

How do you find the hypotenuse of a right triangle when only a side length and angle is given?

Dependent on what side you are given you would use Sin(Θ) = Opposite/Hypotenuse just rearrange the formula to Hypotenuse = Opposite/Sin(Θ). Or if you are given the adjacent side use Cosine(Θ)=Adjacent/Hypotenuse, then: Hypotenuse = Adjacent/Cosine(Θ)

What formula do you use to calculate the amount of work?

Work is computed by figuring how much energy is being used.

Where is the exponent use for?

The exponent tells how many times the base is used as a factor.