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The period of a 20 kHz waveform is 1 / 20 kHz, or 50 uS. If the waveform is logic 1 for 30 uS, then it is logic 0 of 20 uS, and the duty cycle is 60%.

Simply subtract from 30 from 50 to get 20. Also, compare 30 against 50 to get 60%

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Q: If the frequency of a rectangular waveform is 20 kHz and it is logic 1 for 30µsec. What is the duty cycle of the waveform and How long does the signal remain a logic 0?
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This is called the Laplace transform and inverse Laplace transform.

How does the signal change at the output AM out?

Your question doesn't give enough detail. AM typically stands for amplitude modulation. It is how AM radio works. A constant frequency is transmitted and the amplitude is varied to modulate the carrier wave with an information signal such as a song. Hence if you were examining how an AM signal changed you would see changes in the peak-to-peak voltage of the carrier frequency waveform.

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Just the amplitude change, while the frequency and phase still remain

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Why are analog waveforms sampled 8000 times every second?

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