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The wavelength decreases. Frequency and wavelength are inversely related.

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Q: If the frequency of the waves produced by a vibrating object increases how does the wavelength of the waves produced change?
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If the frequency of the waves produced by a vibrating object increases how does the wavelength of the waves produce change?

As all EM waves do a constant speed ('c'). If the frequency increases (i.e. the waves are more frequent) the distance between the wave peaks (wavelength) must reduce. For visible light waves, this produces a 'blue shift.'

A low frequency sound is produced by a sound wave that?

An object vibrating relatively slowly produces sound waves that have low frequency and long wavelength.

Is a string vibrating at the fundamental frequency the length of half the wavelength?

This question can't be answered as asked. A string vibrating at its fundamental frequency has nothing to do with the speed of the produced sound through air, or any other medium. Different mediums transmit sound at different speeds. The formula for wavelength is L = S/F, were L is the wavelength, S is the speed through the medium and F is the frequency. Therefore, the wavelength depends on the speed of sound through the medium and directly proportional to the speed and inversely proportional to the frequency.

How does frequency of waves affect the pitch of the sound produced by vibrating objects?

The higher the frequency, the higher the pitch.

How does frequency of a wave compare with the frequency of the source?

The frequency of a radio wave compares to the frequency of the vibrating electrons that make it because the frequency of a radio wave is proportional to the frequency of the vibrating electrons that make it.

What is the wavelength of a wave produced by a microwave oven?

The frequency at which a microwave oven operates, about 2,450 MHz, has a wavelength of about 12 cm.

What is the wavelength of sound waves produced by a guitar string vibrating at 440 Hz?

Wavelength = velocity of sound in the medium / frequency Here velocity is not given. Let it be 330 m/s So required wavelength = 330/440 = 3/4 = 0.75 m

The strength of a sound wave determines what aspect of hearing?

Waves have three properties: Amplitude relates to loudness of sound waves; Frequency relates to pitch of sound waves; and Wavelength relates to to the tone of the sound. Wavelength and frequency combine to give a perception of pitch. Strength might mean amplitude.

What is the proper term for the lowest natural frequency that is produced by a vibrating object such as an instrument?

I think the word you're looking for is "fundamental".

Two whistles produce sounds of wavelength 3.4 m and 3.3 m. What is the beat frequency produced?


What is the wavelength of the radiation produced by a 2.70 GHz microwave?

The wavelength of the radiation produced by a 2.70 GHz microwave is approximately 11.1 centimeters.

T Waves are sound produced by underwater volcanoes. What is the wavelength of a T Wave with a frequency of 7 Hz and the speed of a sound in water is 1530 meter per second?

Wavelength= 218.8