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If the outer shell of the atom is full, it ________ react readily with other atoms.

Answer - Does not!

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Q: If the outer shell of the atom is full it react readily with other atoms?
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The electron configuration is why they react. The Alkali metals have one electron in their outer shell and to complete their outer shell need 7 more electrons. They can give, take or share electrons with other atoms. This is when the Halogens come in handy. The Halogens have 7 electrons in their outer shells, and need one more to complete the outer shell. These can react very easily because they have both the perfect amounts to fill their outer shells and become compounds. Other atoms with other amounts to become atoms not ions needs another element to react with. Hope this helps, Matt.

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The atoms are unchanged in any chemical reaction. Only the outer electron shell is affected as chemical bonds are formed.

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Yes. Argon has its outer electron shell full so doesn't easily react with other atoms.

Why are the elements in group 0 unreactive?

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Atoms of non-metals usually gain or share electrons when they react with other atoms.

When will an atom react with another atom?

Two atoms will react if in so doing both will obtain completely filled outer shells.

Atoms react with other atoms based on?

This depends on the ability to gain/loss electrons.

Why doesnt noble gases on the periodic table react easily with other atoms?

Noble gases don't usually react with other elements because they have a complete outer shell - they've already got all the valence electrons they need.