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Q: If the r-value or correlation coefficient of a data set is negative the coefficient of determination is negative?
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What is the difference between lvalue and rvalue?

A variable is a named storage that can hold any value and has 2 values associated with it namely rvalue and lvalue. 'rvalue' is its data value that is its content and "lvalue" is its location value, that is memory address.

What is lvalue?

A variable has two associated value with it rvalue and lvalue. 'lvalue' is its location value, that is memory address.

What is Lvalue in c?

An lvalue is an object that can be assigned a value, i.e. it can be on the left side of an equals sign, hence the term lvalue.If the compiler is complaining, you are probably trying to assign a new value to an rvalue, such as an array name or constant.

What is L value error in C?

When there is no addressable value in program, then compiler will give lvalue error. Lvalue or location value is an address that is stored into while rvalue is the "read" value, ie., value of a constant or the value stored at a location. In the assignment a = 31; we have the lvalue of a used on the left hand side and the integer contant value 31 assigned to this location. In the assignment b = a; we have the rvalue of a (31) used to assign to the lvalue of b . So depending on which side of an assignment, we use the variable a , we get two different behaviors

What are the newest striking issues on C plus plus computer programming?

The newest striking issues with regards C++ can always be found be looking at the latest standard and those to come. The current standard is C++11, while the next two are currently known as C++14 and C++17. By examining the changes from the previous version to the next version one can determine what is new. The predecessor to C++11 was C++03. The naming convention follows the tradition of using the year of publication. Thus C++03 was published in 2003. One of the main changes between C++03 and C++11 was the introduction of the move constructor. This is useful when assigning a temporary object (an rvalue) to another object (an lvalue). Typically, resources are deep copied from the rvalue to the lvalue, which is expensive in terms of memory consumption and performance. However, since the rvalue is temporary, there is no need to copy the resources -- they can simply be moved. For instance, a std::vector<T> object is really nothing more than a wrapper for a C-style dynamic array with size. The size member is a simple primitive (an unsigned integer) that can easily be copied directly without any cost. However, the internal array is more complex in that it is a void pointer to memory that was dynamically allocated. With copy construction, the entire array must be copied to new memory which is then assigned to the lvalue's internal pointer. But with move construction, the lvalue's pointer simply copies the value of the rvalue's pointer before setting the rvalue's pointer to NULL. In other words, the lvalue takes ownership of the existing memory. When the rvalue falls from scope (which it must do since it is temporary), the memory is safe because its internal pointer is NULL. To achieve this, C++11 introduced an rvalue reference. In C++03, rvalues were typically considered const T& types. But an rvalue reference is a non-const T& type, identified by T&&. This semantic permits class designers to include both a copy and move constructor, as well as copy and move assignment operator overloads. Other major changes included the introduction of the constexpr keyword, which allowed functions and object constructors to be used within constant expressions. There were also changes to the plain old data semantic (POD) such that a class, struct or union can only be considered a POD if it is trivial, standard-layout, and all its non-static data members and base classes are PODs. By separating the trivial and standard-layout concepts, it is now possible to lose one without compromising the other, and thus be able to produce more complex PODs that are still memcpy-able and therefore compatible with C.

When will lvalue error occur in c?

When there is no addressable value in program, then compiler will give lvalue error. Lvalue or location value is an address that is stored into while rvalue is the "read" value, ie., value of a constant or the value stored at a location. In the assignment a = 31; we have the lvalue of a used on the left hand side and the integer contant value 31 assigned to this location. In the assignment b = a; we have the rvalue of a (31) used to assign to the lvalue of b . So depending on which side of an assignment, we use the variable a , we get two different behaviors

What is the difference between a constructor and its corresponding overloaded assignment operator?

The copy constructor is used to initialize a new instance from an old instance, and is called when passing variables by value into functions or as return values out of functions. The assignment operator is used to change an existing instance to have the same values as the rvalue, which means that the instance has to be destroyed and re-initialized if it has internal dynamic memory.

Pointer is a variable holding a memory address?

pointer is a derived datatype which contains memory addresses as their values. program:- #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int m=5,*p; clrscr(); p=&m; printf("address of variable m is %p",(void *)p); }

What is the r-value of 2 foam sound board?

I assume you mean 2 inch thick foam sound board??? The answer lies in what type of foam specifically you are speaking of.Polyisocyanurate foam has an rvalue of approx. r-7 per inch,being one of the higher r value foams readily available in 4'x8' sheet size.Polystyrene foam board,commonly found in building centers and home centers,and commonly referred to as "Dow" board has an r value of approx. r-5 per inch.To calculate the 2" thickness you reference,simply double the r value given(r value is generally stated as "r value per inch".Thus ,2" polystyrene has an r value of r-10 (r-5/inch x 2).These are fairly general guidelines,and depending on your application,you may want to find more detailed specifications that speak to degradation of R value over time,properties and characteristics of various foam types,etc,etc.

What is the difference in boiling pure water on a mountain top and at sea level?

The boiling point of water at sea level is 100 degrees centigrade. but the boiling point of water at a mountain top will depend on the atmospheric pressure of the air around that mountain top area at the time . if u were to measure the air pressure as u climb a mountain u would notice a change ; a reduction in air pressure . hence as you approach the top of the mountain the air pressure would have been seen to reduce to a much lowe rvalue that that at sea level height . i think it can be as low as 70 degrees centigrade at some mountain tops. in comparison if u had an enclosed metal vessel and made the pressure inside that increase to a very high value, the water would now boil at a much greater temperature , 250 degrees ? maybe .

What are the factors that determine the choice of programming language when developing an application?

It's more often than not, not a programmers choice, but when it is, typically: Platform (e.g. if you are writing something for Android, or iOS, your choices are somewhat limited, same goes for cross OS compatibility) Objective (e.g. are you writing a kernel module or a website) Familiarity (e.g. if i know Ruby and don't know PHP) Performance needs (e.g. am i writing a network stack or a text editor) Libraries (e.g. PHP built-in database libraries, Java does not) Language specifics/purpose (e.g. it's a good idea to write a protocol in more functional programming language like Scala than in Perl or Java)

What are the properties of class in c plus plus?

A constructor is not a function. A function is a type, as specified by its return type, and must return a value of that type unless the type is void. A constructor does not return anything, not even void. The purpose of a constructor is to both allocate and initialise memory for an object of the type being constructed. If a valid object cannot be constructed for any reason, the constructor must throw an exception. If the object's class has no data members (attributes), the class does not require a constructor. This is typically the case for most abstract data types and base classes which are used purely as interfaces. Constructors differ from functions in that all constructors have an initialisation section that is used specifically to initialise non-static data members. The body of the constructor is rarely used except to perform initialisations that cannot be more easily performed by the initialisation section. A class may have more than one constructor to provide alternative methods of construction based upon the number and type of arguments supplied (if any). When no arguments are required or all arguments have default values then the constructor is known as the default constructor. If the constructor has only one argument the constructor is known as a conversion constructor (because the argument is converted to an object of the class). However, if the constructor argument is a constant reference to an object of the same class, then it is known as a copy constructor, and when the constructor argument is an rvalue reference, it is known as a move constructor. If copy and/or move constructors are provided for a class, the equivalent assignment operators should also be provided for that class. All other constructors are known as user-defined constructors.