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The original equation, ax2 + bx + c = 0 has two equal roots whose value is -b/2a.

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Q: If the value of a discriminant is 0 what does that tell us about the type and number of roots?
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How to tell if there are no real roots?

The real roots of what, exactly? If you mean a square trinomial, then: If the discriminant is positive, the polynomial has two real roots. If the discriminant is zero, the polynomial has one (double) real root. If the discriminant is negative, the polynomial has two complex roots (and of course no real roots). The discriminant is the term under the square root in the quadratic equation, in other words, b2 - 4ac.

How can you tell how many solutions a quadratic equation will have without solving it?

A quadratic equation can have a maximum of 2 solutions. If the discriminant (b2-4ac) turns out to be less than 0, the equation will have no real roots. If the Discriminant is equal to 0, it will have equal roots. But, if the discriminant turns out to be more than 0,then the equation will have unequal and real roots.

Which of the folllowing indicates that the roots of a quadratic are irrational?

The discriminant is the expression inside the square root of the quadratic formula. For a quadratic ax² + bx + c = 0, the quadratic formula is x = (-b +- Sqrt(b² - 4ac))/(2a). The expression (b² - 4ac) is the discriminant. This can tell a lot about the type of roots. First, if the discriminant is a negative number, then it will have two complex roots. Because you have a real number plus sqrt(negative) and real number minus sqrt(negative). You asked about irrational. If the discrimiant is a perfect square number {like 1, 4, 9, 16, etc.} then the quadratic will have two distinct rational roots (which are real numbers). If the discriminant is zero, then you will have a double root, which is a real rational number. So if the discrimiant is positive, but not a perfect square, then the roots will be irrational real numbers. If the discriminant is a negative number which is not the negative of a perfect square, then imaginary portion of the complex number will be irrational.

What does the discriminant tell us about the nature of the roots?

The equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0 where a, b and c are real and a is non-zero has discriminant D = b^2 &ndash; 4ac. Then,if D > 0 the equation has two real roots which are distinct;if D = 0 the equation has two real roots which are coincident;if D < 0 the equation has two roots which form a complex conjugate pair (advanced mathematics only).

How can you have one solution in something that is quadratic?

b^2 - 4ac, the discriminant will tell you that a quadratic equation may have one real solution( discriminant = 0 ) , two real solutions( discriminant &gt; 0 ), or no real solutions( discriminant &lt; 0 ).

Related questions

What can the discriminant tell you about a quadratic equation?

It can tell you three things about the quadratic equation:- 1. That the equation has 2 equal roots when the discriminant is equal to zero. 2. That the equation has 2 distinctive roots when the discriminant is greater than zero. &pound;. That the equation has no real roots when the discriminant is less than zero.

How to tell if there are no real roots?

The real roots of what, exactly? If you mean a square trinomial, then: If the discriminant is positive, the polynomial has two real roots. If the discriminant is zero, the polynomial has one (double) real root. If the discriminant is negative, the polynomial has two complex roots (and of course no real roots). The discriminant is the term under the square root in the quadratic equation, in other words, b2 - 4ac.

How can you tell how many solutions a quadratic equation will have without solving it?

A quadratic equation can have a maximum of 2 solutions. If the discriminant (b2-4ac) turns out to be less than 0, the equation will have no real roots. If the Discriminant is equal to 0, it will have equal roots. But, if the discriminant turns out to be more than 0,then the equation will have unequal and real roots.

Which of the folllowing indicates that the roots of a quadratic are irrational?

The discriminant is the expression inside the square root of the quadratic formula. For a quadratic ax&Acirc;&sup2; + bx + c = 0, the quadratic formula is x = (-b +- Sqrt(b&Acirc;&sup2; - 4ac))/(2a). The expression (b&Acirc;&sup2; - 4ac) is the discriminant. This can tell a lot about the type of roots. First, if the discriminant is a negative number, then it will have two complex roots. Because you have a real number plus sqrt(negative) and real number minus sqrt(negative). You asked about irrational. If the discrimiant is a perfect square number {like 1, 4, 9, 16, etc.} then the quadratic will have two distinct rational roots (which are real numbers). If the discriminant is zero, then you will have a double root, which is a real rational number. So if the discrimiant is positive, but not a perfect square, then the roots will be irrational real numbers. If the discriminant is a negative number which is not the negative of a perfect square, then imaginary portion of the complex number will be irrational.

What does the discriminant tell you when solving quadratic equations for the roots?

Whether the equation has 2 distinct roots, repeated roots, or complex roots. If the determinant is smaller than 0 then it has complex roots. If the determinant is 0 then it has repeated roots. If the determinant is greater than 0 then it has two distinct roots.

What does the discriminant tell us about the nature of the roots?

The equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0 where a, b and c are real and a is non-zero has discriminant D = b^2 &ndash; 4ac. Then,if D > 0 the equation has two real roots which are distinct;if D = 0 the equation has two real roots which are coincident;if D < 0 the equation has two roots which form a complex conjugate pair (advanced mathematics only).

How do you tell if a discriminant is positive negative or zero?

With the standard notation, If b2 &lt; 4ac then the discriminant is negative If b2 = 4ac then the discriminant is zero If b2 &gt; 4ac then the discriminant is positive

What does the discriminant tell you?

The discriminant tells you how many solutions there are to an equation The discriminant is b2-4ac For example, two solutions for a equation would mean the discriminant is positive. If it had 1 solution would mean the discriminant is zero If it had no solutions would mean that the discriminant is negative

How can you have one solution in something that is quadratic?

b^2 - 4ac, the discriminant will tell you that a quadratic equation may have one real solution( discriminant = 0 ) , two real solutions( discriminant &gt; 0 ), or no real solutions( discriminant &lt; 0 ).

How do you find the discriminant on a graph?

The discriminant is the expression under the square root of the quadratic formula.For a quadratic equation: f(x) = ax2 + bx + c = 0, can be solved by the quadratic formula:x = (-b +- sqrt(b2 - 4ac)) / (2a).So if you graph y = f(x) = ax2 + bx + c, then the values of x that solve [ f(x)=0 ] will yield y = 0. The discriminant (b2 - 4ac) will tell you something about the graph.(b2 - 4ac) > 0 : The square root will be a real number and the root of the equation will be two distinct real numbers, so the graph will cross the x-axis at two different points.(b2 - 4ac) = 0 : The square root will be zero and the roots of the equation will be a real number double root, so the graph will touch the x-axis at only one points.(b2 - 4ac) < 0 : The square root will be imaginary, and the roots of the equation will be two complex numbers, so the graph will not touch the x-axis.So by looking at the graph, you can tell if the discriminant is positive, negative, or zero.

What does a decimal number tell you?

It tells you the value (and sign) of the number.

Does y equals 4x2-9x plus 9 cross the X-axis?

The discriminant will tell you if there are any real roots here, X intercepts or single contact point. b2 - 4ac (- 9)2 - 4(4)(9) 81 - 144 = - 63 &lt; 1, so no real roots and the function does not cross the X axis =================================================