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Q: If the weight of one cube is 4 grams what is the weight of the cuboid?
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What 3d shape has 12 edges?

A cube or a cuboid could have 12 edges, 8 vertices, and 6 faces.

Difference between a cube and a cuboid?

All edges of a cube are the same length. A cuboid has three quartets of lines: at least one of which is of a length different from the other two. Equivalently, all sides of a cube are squares, at least some sides of a cuboid are rectangles.

What does cuboid mean?

Cuboid means an object that is more less cubic in shape. A cube is a six sided shape that has six faces that face one another.

What does one -half cube mean?

It could mean a cube tat has been cut into a half so that it is a cuboid. Or, it could mean a cube, each of whose sides is half a unit.

Which shapes have 12 edges?

One shape that has 12 edges is a cube. Any cuboid shape in general like a traditional cube or even an oblong can have 12 edges.

Name three different 3D shapes that can have at least one square face?

Cube Cuboid Sqaure-based Pyramid

Does a cuboid have the same number of edges as a cube?

Yes, because it's basically like a cube but stretched out in one direction. Edit: It can be stretched, to different extents, in two directions.

What shape has more than one faces?

Most 3D shapes, such as a cube, cuboid etc. have more than one face (with the possible exception of a sphere).

Mass of a sugar cube?

One sugar cube is equal to one teaspoon or 1/48th of a cup.

How much does a stock cube weigh?

One chicken stock cube weighs about 5 grams or 0.17 ounces.

What does a cuboid in geometry mean?

A cuboid is a box shaped object where one of the sides is a rectangle or cube shape. It is made up of all right angles and the shape is most commonly used for building materials, boxes, storage and buildings.

How much does a One and half inch cube of gold weight?

The weight is 75.23 pounds weight.