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Q: If two line segments have the same length which of the following must be true?
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If two line segments have the same length must be true?

They are congruent.

Do rhombus always has 4 right angles?

no They just have to have four sides the same length and the oppsite line segments must be parallel.

Is polygon made up of 2 line segments?

No. A polygon must have at least three line segments.

What must be true if two like segments are congruent?

They must be the same length.

How can you tell if four line segments can form a quadrilateral?

Each of the line segments must be shorter than the sum of the other three.

What lines are parallelograms made out of?

Technically, lines are continuous, so parallelograms are actually composed of line segments. The line segments composing the sides of the parallelogram, come in two pairs in 2D space. Each pair is composed of two line segments that are parallel to each other, but do not occupy the same line. The two pares of line segments must all meet to then form a quadrilateral.

What are two line line segments that are not parallel?

two line segments that are not parallel are intersecting even if they don't touch like this /l / l they are considered intersecting because you must extend it like they are lines to say they are parallel or not

What three things must a polygon have?

Line segments, closed sides, and four or more sides.

What must you include on a line when drawing a line on a plane?

U have to include the segments of lines and rays and stuff. Also u have 2 direct it in the method it says to do it in.

What is the length of the hypotenuse c of the following right angle triangles?

0. Since the "following" triangle is too small to be seen, its sides must be of length 0.

Is a ray an example of an angle?

NO An angle is comprised of two rays, lines, or line segments. The two being used must come from the point point in space and must be coplanar. (It must be to lines coming from the same point.)

If the pattern below following the rule starting with 10 every consecutive line has a number 1 less than the previous line how many marbles must be in the seventh line?

If the pattern below following the rule starting with 10 every consecutive line has a number 1 less than the previous line how many marbles must be in the seventh line?