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Q: If two sides of two adjacent acute angles are perpendicular then the angles are?
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What are the angles if the two sides of two adjacent acute angles are perpendicular?


If two sides of two adjacent acute angles are perpendicular then the angles are called what?


Can two acute angles have perpendicular sides?

Yes. If the two acute angles have their measures add up to 90 degrees, and both angles share one side that is common to each angle (they are adjacent), then their non-common sides will be perpendicular.

Are the adjacent sides of rhombus perpendicular?

No. This is only true of squares and rectangles. Perpendicular means that the sides meet in a right angle. A rhombus has two acute angles and two obtuse angles.

If two sides of two adgacent acute angles are perpendicular then the angles are what?

They are equal.

What quadrilaterals have all adjacent sides are perpendicular?

Square & Rectangle are the only two. Rhombus (diamond) & parallelogram have adjacent sides, but no 90 degree angles (not perpendicular).

What if two adjacent angles have their exterior sides in perpendicular lines?

The angles sum to 90° and the angles are complementary

What are sides that form a right angle?

Mutually perpendicular, adjacent sides.Mutually perpendicular, adjacent sides.Mutually perpendicular, adjacent sides.Mutually perpendicular, adjacent sides.

Are the adjacent sides on a parallelogram perpendicular?

Generally no. If they are perpendicular, all four angles are right angles and the parallelogram is usually called a rectangle.

Is a aquare the conseutive angles are sometimes perpendicular?

All angles in a square are 90o so all adjacent sides are perpendicular to one another.

Do square have adjacent sides that are perpendicular?

Yes and they meet at right angles which is 90 degrees

Is a square adjacent and perpendicular?

The adjacent sides of a square are perpendicular.