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A square

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Q: If you have 4 corners and 4 equal sides what are you?
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Which shapes has four sides and four corners and all four sides are equal?

It is a square as square has 4 sides and all of them are equal. Also it has 4 corners.

What shape has got 4 corners but not all equal sides?

A QUADRILATERAL has four corners and four sides, along with four angles. These do not need to be congruent (equal) but they can be.

Why is a square both a rhombus and a rectangle?

A square is a rectangle. A square is a rectangle with equal sides. A rectangle Has to have 4 right angles (and only 4 corners). A Square has the same definition (4 right angles, and only 4 corners) but all the sides have to be equal. A square is not a rhombus. A rhombus is a parallelogram with equal sides. A parallelogram has to have 4 sides (2 pairs of equal sides.) The equal sides must be parallel. A rhombus has the same definition (4 sides - 2 pairs of equal sides. The equal sides must be parallel.) but all the sides have to be equal lengths.

What shape has 4 equal sides and 4 square corners?

square idiot

What shape has 4 corners with two sides of equal length?


What are the properties of square?

it is a plane and closed figure it has 4 corners and sides all the sides are equal

What has 4 equal sides 4 corners and no right angles?

a triangular pyramid, i think

Do parallelograms have 4 equal sides?

Yeah they have 4 equal sides Only some parallelograms have 4 equal sides. Such a parallelogram is called a rhombus. In general, a parallelogram has two different pairs of opposed equal sides. Like a rectangle given a sideways push at opposite corners.

What does it take to be a square?

You must have four sides equal in length with 4 right-angle corners.

What are 4 attributes of a square?

4 sides Each side is of equal length All corners 90 degrees

How many sides and corners does a trapezoid have?

4 sides and 4 corners because it is a quadrilateral polygon

Does a pentagon have equal sides and corners?
