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12 x 100/80 ie 15%

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Q: If you have 80 coins and 12 are nickels how many percent of the coins are nickels?
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A bag contains 9 quarters 4 dimes and 12 nickels. What percent of the coins are dimes?

16 % of the coins are dimes. 4 of a total of 25.

How to make 55 cents with 12 coins?

You will make 55 cents with 12 coins by using 5 pennies, 3 dimes, and 4 nickels.5 pennies, 3 dimes, and 4 nickels will make 55 cents with 12 coins.

How can you get 16 coins to equal a dollar?

12 nickels, 4 dimes.

How do you make a dollar using 12 coins?

10 nickels and 2 quarters

What coins would you have if you have 12 coins and 82 cents?

You could have 6 dimes, 4 nickels and 2 pennies.

Suzy has 3.20 in nickels dimes and quarters If she has 3 times as many dimes as quarters and eight more nickels than dimes how many coins of each does she have?

4 Qs 12 Dimes 20 Nickles

At Scott's Laundromat the washing machines accept only quarters and nickels. If Joe used 20 coins worth 2.60 to wash 4 loads how many of each coin did he use A. 8 quarters and 12 nickels B. 9 quarters?

8 quarters and 12 nickels

What 22 coins equals 3.85?

12 quarters,7 dimes, and 3 nickels

If you receive 12 coins after inserting a dollar bill how many nickels did you receive?

One solution is 10 nickels, because if you put in a dollar it can be broken into: 2 quarters (50 cents) so 50 cents are left, and you have 10 coins left to use If these 10 coins are all nickels, (total: 50 cents), the problem is solved! .5 +.5 =1 dollar

How many different combinations of coins can be used to make 1.00 if you have 5 quarters 6 dimes 6 nickels and 12 pennies?

There are 29 ways.

What 12 coins can you use to make 55 cents?

Three dimes, four nickels, five pennies

A change machine changes dollar bills into quarters and nickels If you receive 12 coins after inserting a dollar bill how many quarters did you receive?

2 quarters.