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From September 21 until March 21, the shortest shadow points north from the equator.

From March 21 until September 21, the shortest shadow points south from the equator.

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Q: If you perform shortest shadow method today on equator where will it point?
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When is the shortest shadow cast?

The shortest shadow is at noon because the sun is directly above you

How much shadow is shown at noon?

The shortest shadow occurs at noon.

Where would your shadow be at noon if you lived closer to the equator?

There will be no shadow because the sun will be directly over your head on the equator at 12 noon.

When does the sun cast the shortest shadow?

At noon, or when the sun is in the middle of the sun is in the middle of the sky. It is directly above you so it casts arely any shadow. One could argue that it is shortest at night, when it is non-existent, but that technically means that there is no shadow to measure.

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At what time of the day would shadow be at its shortest?


What time of the day would the shadow be at its shortest?


When will your shadow be the shortest?

The shortness of your shadow depends both where you are on Earth you are and when you are there.If you stand on the Earth between the Tropics of Cancer (North Tropic ) at 23°26′13.9″ N and Capricorn (South Tropic) at 23°26′13.9″ S at noon your shadow will be directly overhead at some time of the year and will be as small as it can be. The date will range between the Summer Solstice (North), the equinoxes (equator) and the Winter Solstice (south). North or south of the two Tropics your shadow will be shortest at noon on the solstices.

Which season is your sun shadow the shortest?

in the winter by anthony greco

At what time of the day did the shortest shadow occur?


What day of the year are shadows the shortest?

The day when your shadow is the shortest depends on where you are on the Earth. * In the northern hemisphere it is when the sun is the highest in the sky. The day of the Summer Solstice * .In the southern hemisphere it is when the sun is the highest in the sky. The day of the Winter Solstice. * At the equator the sun is directly overhead and your shadow is at its minimum at each of the equinoxes

When is your shadow the shortest?

your shadow is the shortest when the sun is right above you!