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Q: If you reshape a block of clay would its volume stay the same?
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How you would measure the volume of a blob of clay?

One way, if the clay is malleable, is to reshape it into a cuboid and measure its length (L), width (W) and height (H). Then volume = L*W*H cubic units.Displacement methods will often not work either because the clay will absorb the water (or other solvent), or it might disintegrate.

Why shaping of clay in different shapes is a physical change?

because you will just reshape it and it is still a clay and there is no new substance formed.........

What can you make with clay blocks in Minecraft?

Nothing but if you destroy a clay block, you can then use the clay for bricks with the furnace and then four bricks make a brick block. So one clay block = one brick block.

What is releif clay?

Relief clay, or relief carving on clay, is the process of carving away a form from clay. A person would start with a block of clay, and using tools, would slowly take more and more pieces of clay away until the desired shape is revealed.

If you reshape a modeling clay would the mass change?

No. The mass is how much stuff there is to an object. How many molecules are in it. so regardless of what shape it's in, the mass stays the same. Other than what comes off onto your hands.

How would you find the volume of an irregularly shaped piece of clay?

Once easy way is displacement. You can place it in liquid and see how much liquid it displaces. This will be the volume.

How many ton in 1 cubic meter of clay?

volume = mass ÷ density. 1 tonne = 1000 kg The volume depends upon the density of the clay which will vary with how wet it is. Dry clay has a density of 1600 kg/m3 → volume = 1000 kg ÷ 1600 kg/m3 = 0.625 m3 Wet clay has a density of 1760 kg/m3 → volume = 1000 kg ÷ 1760 kg/m3 ≈ 0.568 m3 Which means the volume of 1 tonne of clay will be in the range of approx 0.568 m3 to 0.625 m3

What is a brick compared to a cinderblock?

A brick is a solid block made from baked clay. A cinder block is a hollow block made from concrete

What is a rectangular block of clay baked by the sun or a kin?

A brick

What is papryus?

A clay block that Egyptians used to write heiroglyphson.

If a ball of clay size changes does its mass change as well?

If the ball is solid, and remains solid, then in order to increase its volume more material (mass) will have to be added to it. However, if the ball is hollow, then it may grow larger by thinning the walls of the ball and increasing its radius. In this case, no air is allowed to fill the increasing inner volume since that would lead to an increase in mass. This means that there will be a partial vacuum inside the ball, and depending on the strength of the clay, and the outside pressure, the walls may collapse. It would also be possible to increase the size (volume) of a solid ball of clay by reducing the density of the clay. The most common way to do this without magic is to heat it up.

Where do you find brick in minecraft?

You must first find clay. You find clay in shallow water. Then, dig up the clay and you will get clay balls. Cook the clay balls in a furnace and you will get brick. Take four brick and and put it in your crafting area. You will then get a brick block, which you can place. Hope this helps :)