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22 x 22 = 484 words, if you don't get tired or take any breaks

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Q: If you type 22 word per minute how many words should you type in 22 minute?
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How many words per minute can Barbara Blackburn type?

150 words per minute

How many words per minute can the fastest person type?

1,500 words per minute.

If you type 1500 words in 1 hour how many words do you type per minute?

Your answer is 25 words per minute. Simple math: 1500 / 60 = 25.

Who is the fastest typisty ever recorded and how many words per minute did she type?

barba blackburn could type 212 words per minute

What does nwpm mean?

Net words per minute. referring to an average count of how many words you can type in one minute.

How many words a minute do most people type?


How many words per minute can an average receptionist type?

An average receptionist can type around 40-50 words per minute. With practice and training, some receptionists can type even faster, up to 60-70 words per minute.

If Kyle can type 36 words per minute how many words can he type in 10 seconds?

6 (six).

How many words are if you type 210 words in 5 minutes?

That works out to 42 words per minute.

Who is the fastest typist ever recorded and how many words per minute can she type?

The fastest typist ever recorded is Barbara Blackburn, who can type 212 words per minute with an accuracy level of about 95%.

How many words per minute can a fast typer type?

A professional typist types a lot of words per minute because their jobs depend on it. Many type between 60 and 75 words per minute if not more. It is possible to build your typing speed by practicing and taking advantage of speed typing tests.

What is wpm shorthand?

it means that how many words you can type per minute. Its like lets say for example. If you can type fast lets say you can type 100 words per minute like me. yeah. It all comes and gos