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The fastest typist ever recorded is Barbara Blackburn, who can type 212 words per minute with an accuracy level of about 95%.

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Q: Who is the fastest typist ever recorded and how many words per minute can she type?
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Who is the fastest typist ever recorded and many words per minute did she type?

Barbara Blackburn is the fastest typist on record, at 150 words per minute for 50 minutes.

Who is the fastest typist ever recorded and how words per minute did she type?

Barbara Blackburn is the fastest typist on record, at 150 words per minute for 50 minutes.

Who is the fastest typist ever recorded and how many per minute did she type?

Barbara Blackburn is the fastest typist on record, at 150 words per minute for 50 minutes.

Who is fastest typist ever recorded?

Barbara Blackburn, with a top words per minute of 212

Who is The Fastest Typist Every Recorded And How Many Words Per Minute Did She Type?

Barbara BlackBurn

Who is the fastest typist ever recorded and how many words per minute did she type?

Barbara Blackburn is the fastest typist on record, at 150 words per minute for 50 minutes.

Who is the fastest typist ever recorded and how many words per min did she type?

Armando bukkslo 290 words in one minute.

Who is the fastest typist ever in recorded?

The fastest typist ever in record is Barbara Blackburn, who set the Guinness World Record for fastest typing speed of 212 words per minute.

Who is the fastest typist ever recordedand how many words per minute did she type?

The fastest words per minute ever typed was 389 WPM. It was done by Stefanie Cocks.

How fast is the world's fastest 10 year old typist?

I'm thinking maybe I am... I can type 115 words per minute and I'm 10

Is James caa the fastest typer in the world?

The title of the fastest typist in the world is currently held by Barbara Blackburn, who can type 150 words per minute. James Caa's typing speed, if known, would have to be compared to this benchmark to determine if he is the fastest typist in the world.

Who is the fastest typisty ever recorded and how many words per minute did she type?

barba blackburn could type 212 words per minute