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I would use a scatter plot - or a line chart.

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Q: If you want to know what temperature it is high or low what chart or graph would you use?
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when you have a chart or graph that starts at a very high number in which case, there is a symbol for that.

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Haggai kimera

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Line graph

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It depends on what you are graphing and the domain. If you are tracking daily temperature in your town, for example, the only difference will be in the y-intercept: that is how high or low your graph is. If you must show the origin on the chart, though, the vertical scale will be much greater. If graphing some aspect of thermodynamics, the Kelvin graph should be simpler because it is likely to go through the origin.

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Temperature has an effect on the amount of oxygen that water can hold. The resulting graph would be almost parabolic in nature as the amount of oxygen will increase at both a high and low temperature as seen with balloon expansion when filled with steam and also a soda can bulging when frozen.

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Depends on the ambient temperature - need a chart for details

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Based on ambient temperature have to get a chart

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Line plot

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Bar graph.

What is a double line graph used for?

It is used to find the change in data. For example weather, high and low temperature. Hope this helped.