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Q: If you worked on goals for 15 months what would the mixed number (in simplest terms) be to represent this time period?
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How do you calculate absorption rate?

First, determine the number of homes closed in your market over a specific period - say, 12 months. You can get this data from the MLS.Next, divide the number of homes by the number of months in the period - in this case, 12. This calculation gives a per month absorption rate.Last, divide the rate into the number of current listings. This yields the months' supply of homes.

What does the period number on the periodic table represent?

The period number represents the highest principal quantum number of the valence electrons, or the energy level of the valence (outer) shell. So, a period represents atoms with the same core electron, or noble gas, configuration, and having the same number of occupied electron shells.

What season does the last 3 month period represent?

Persephone is in the Underworld for Hades for six months. And it is through the Autumn and Winter seasons. But she could change if she wanted to by having sex with Hades every day all day for the seasons.

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The total period is 12 months.

What does a period represent on the period table?

the Atomic number on Periodic Table is the identity of an element in the table , it gives the indications about Group, period and Block of elements it also predicts the chemical and physical properties of the element.

What gestation period on a number of animals?

for a human takes 9 months an elephant takes 2 years

What does the sequence in each period represent in relation to electrons?

The sequence in each period represents in relation to electrons is that as you look from left to right on the periodic table, you see a pattern; an increase of the atomic number. The number of electrons equals the number of protons, and the number of protons equals the atomic number.

How much daylight is there during the summer months compared to the winter months in Antarctica?

Generally, the sun doesn't set during the summer period and generally, the sun doesn't rise during the winter period. The precise period as to the number of days, weeks or months of these phenomenon depends on where you are on the continent between the Antarctic Circle -- one 24-hour period, and the South Pole - six month period.

Does the number 40 in the Bible represent a demon?

No, the number 40 in the Bible does not represent a demon. It is a symbolic number that often represents a period of testing, trial, or preparation. For example, Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights in the wilderness to prepare for his ministry.

Can a dog get her period when she is7 months old?

No, she can only get her period every 6 months.

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The gestation period of a rhinoceros is 16 months.

Which function's graph has a period of 2?

There are an infinite number. The simplest is a sinusoid. The sine function has period 2π, so you compress it by a factor of π: f(x) = sin (πx).