

Best Answer

with time

it sounds stupid

but people say it for a reason

if you feel like crying...cry

if you feel angry...let it out

over time it will get easier and you will not feel the pain

my ex beat me, i was 14-15 at the time, together for just over a year

time really does heal everything

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Q: Im 13 and your x is 14 you were together for two years and he cheated on you and you cant get over him how do you?
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8 years cant be a joje obviously. So he cant get over so easily even though he lives in denial that he is over you..

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that is very normal because he cheated an you obviously cant get over what he did but if you cant stop thinking about it, that's not healthy for your relationship. You need to either stop thinking about it and move forward with your life knowing that you have him now or you can dump him and not have to think about it everytime you guys have sexbecause you wont be having sex with him. Either way though you need to move on from what happened its the past and the present and the future is all that matters.

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You shouldn't have cheated, you explain it to him before he does.

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Your relationship has been on and off for 7 years. That is why you still can't get over him. Circular thinking - you answered your own question in your question.

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depends, how long have u been together? how old r u guys?

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