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Q: In the equation Q mcc represents?
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The Roman numeral MCC represents the number 1200

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Type your answer here... The variable Q

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What variable represents specific heat in the equation Q mcT?

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The variable c

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It is not an equation, but q2 meaning q^2 represents q being multiplied by itself.

Q equals m plus x t plus c In this equation what does Q t and c represent?

In the equation Q equals m plus x t plus c, Q represents the total quantity or value being measured or calculated. t represents the variable or time period being observed or measured. c represents the constant term or the y-intercept, which is the value of Q when t equals zero.

How do you write 1200 in roman numerals?

MCC. In Roman numerals, M represents 1,000 and C is 100.

In the equation Q mc and DeltaT c represents .?

Answer: Thermal Heat. Its Thermal somethingI just passed it and forgot the answer

In this equation what does Q repressent?

Depends on the equation. If it is similar to: Q = m*Cp*dT then Q = energy if it is similar to A= Ao * exp (-Q/RT) then Q is the activation energy

What is the equation to find electrical current?

I = q / twhere I represents the currentand q represents the chargeand t represents the time.I = V/Rwhere I represents the currentand V represents the voltageand R represents the resistance

In the equation Q 12 89 what is the value of Q?

Why don't you express the equation verbally? Q 12 89 doesn't have much meaning.