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What symbol represents energy in an equation?

I don't think there is one but I'm not sure. I don't think you show energy on a symbol equation.

What is the mathematics equation to find horsepower?

Horsepower = (number of joules of energy every second) divided by (746).

What is the equation for power in physics?

There are several equations that involve power. The basic definition of power is energy divide by time, so that is one equation. In electricity, if you have a DC current, power = current x voltage. In the case of AC, power = current x voltage x power factor (in many cases, the power factor is close to 1).

What is Emc square?

Correctly written it is E = mc^2 'E' is energy 'm' is mass 'c' is ther speed of light in a vacuum. It is the Einsteinian theory relating energy to mass. What it means is in a nuclear reactor , the mass of the nuclear fuel is converted into energy by the loss of mass. The mass placed in the reactor may be say 1 kg. It undergoes nuclear disintegration, forming two or more new elements of less mass ( say 0.999 kg) that the originsal mass . The loss being energy. !!!!! Notice it is a very tiny loss , but produces a huge amoint of energy.

What does the equation of respiration look like?

in a plant its the opposite of photosynthesis + LIGHT 6CO2 + 6H2O = C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6O2 reversed it becomes respiration 6O2 + C6H12O6 = 6CO2 + 6H2O chloroplasts use sunlight to to convert the water and carbon dioxide into glucose and release the by product, Oxygen in respiration Oxygen is taken into the plant and glucose is turned into respiratory energy by Mitochondria.

Related questions

What variable represents thermal energy in the equation Q mc T?

variable c

In the equation Q mcΔT c represents .?

The specific heat of the substance being heated.

How do you use Thermal Energy in an equation?

It depends on what equation. You usually plug the value of the thermal energy into the equation. usually in Celsius but in some equations it must first be converted into Kelvin. I recommend you google, or look up the specific equation using wikianswers.

What symbol represents energy in an equation?

I don't think there is one but I'm not sure. I don't think you show energy on a symbol equation.

What equation represents the energy it takes to heat a substance?


What describes the thermal energy of particles in a substance?

the higher the temperature: the more the movement of energy in the particle. the lower the temperature: the less the movement of energy in the particle.

What equation represents power?

Power = (energy dissipated or moved) / (time to move or dissipate it)

What can specific heat be used to measure change in?

Specific heat can be used to measure changes in thermal energy by using the equation: Change in thermal energy = mass x Change in temperature x specific heat

What is the name of the thermal energy that moves from a warmer object to a cooler one?

"Thermal energy" or "heat"."Thermal energy" or "heat"."Thermal energy" or "heat"."Thermal energy" or "heat".

Which energy increases as temperature increases?

The thermal energy.The thermal energy.The thermal energy.The thermal energy.

What is h called in the equation E he?

In the equation E=he, h represents Planck's constant, which is a fundamental physical constant that relates the energy of a photon to its frequency.

What is the equation for boiling water?

Word equation:Water [at temp 0>100] + (thermal energy) => Water Vapour [at temp 100] + (thermal energy)Symbol equation:H20 (l) + (thermal energy) => H20 (g) + (thermal energy)Thermal energy is placed in brackets because it is not a substance. This is a physical reaction so not chemical bonding has occurred due to there being only one type of molecule and only heat energy.