

Information about how Euclid changed the world?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Information about how Euclid changed the world?
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What was Euclid's educational background?

Since there is almost no information at all about Euclid, we believe he obtained his education from the students of Plato in Athens, Greece.

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Euclid's Elements is a 13 book series on geometry written by Euclid in 300 BC. It includes information on both plane and spatial geometry.

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The information was certainly known to Euclid.

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First of all, Euclid was from Athens, not from Alexandria. Second, he learned in Athens and he went to the Library at Alexandria to teach.Where can i find the source of this information?

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Euclid is the great mathematician of all...

How did Euclid change the world?

umm he made geometry easier?

Who developed geometry?

In my World History book it says, EUCLID.

Who were Euclid's family?

There are no known records of Euclid's early life or family other than he was thought to have been born in Greece and received his early education in Athens. Euclid's family, birthplace, and life span are unknown/uncertain facts right now. There wasn't much information about him, so any other info on the internet about his family may be fake. There is no record of the name of Euclid's spouse, if he ever married, or any information about his parents or other members of his family. There is no known record of Euclid's parents, sibling, marriage, or childhood.

What did Euclid contribute to mathematics?

Euclid is best known for being the Father of geometry. He also created the oldest mathematical school teaching book called 'Euclid's Elements' which is still being used in school's world wide.

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