

is there some way of calculating f(5) where f(0) equals 1 and f(n) = n!! . . (f(n-1) factorial signs)?

Updated: 10/22/2021

I actually aldready calculated f(4) with perl hypercalc and it is approximately equal to 10^10^10^ . . (539 10's) ^10^10^10^25

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Q: Is there some way of calculating f(5) where f(0) equals 1 and f(n) = n!! . . (f(n-1) factorial signs)?
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How do you create factorial program in qbasic?

since factorial is for example , the factorial of 5 = 5 (5-1)(5-2)(5-3)(5-4) that means the last number to subtract from 5 is 4 , which is (n-1) ie the factorial of any number is (n-0)(.............)(n-(n-1)) to write this , 5 REM to calculate the factorial of any number 6 DIM fac AS INTEGER LET fac = 1 10 INPUT "enter the number to find its factorial "; a ' variable a 15 FOR b = 0 TO (a-1) 'numbers that will be subtracted from the " a" 20 c= a -b 'each number in the factorial calculation 25 fac = fac * c 'to compute each multiplication in the factorial 30 NEXT b 35 PRINT 'to leave a line 40 PRINT fac 45 END note this due to some unattained raesons works for numbers 0 to 7

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well unless its some super-hard math I've never heard of, you change the two minus signs next to each other in to plus signs and go from there. 5+5+6=16 you know, you should be able to figure that out! - + - = + sorry that looks confusing. a minus plus a minus equals a plus! hope this helps!!

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This website tends to omit some crucial operational signs. It will be impossible to answer your question accurately without all the proper signs. Please re-submit it with the equation written out. (plus, minus, equals, etc.)

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Cunning, calculating, pragmatic, shrewd.

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