No as that this number has a decimal point. Whole numbers are numbers without decimal points
If the whole number is one of {-13, -1, 1, 13} then the answer is a whole number. Otherwise it is a rational fraction.
13/12 is not a whole number and so you cannot write it as a whole number.
yes it is.
The nearest whole number to 13.4 is 13. When determining the nearest whole number, you round the number to the closest whole number. In this case, 13.4 is closer to 13 than it is to 14, so the nearest whole number is 13.
It is 13 rounded to the nearest whole number
next highest whole number 13
Well 13 is a prime number so only 13 and 1
If you have the number 13 the denoninator would be 1. So like 13 over 1
No. 12 would be a whole number, or 13 would be a whole number, but 12.5 is 12 and 1/2, which is NOT a "whole" number.