Well, hello there! It looks like you're curious about integers. Integers are whole numbers without any fractions or decimals. Since 1.2 has a decimal part, it is not considered an integer. But don't worry, there's a place for every number in the world of math!
12 is an integer.
-12 is an integer.
The number 12 is an integer.
12 is an integer and an integer is the simplest form for an integer.
Yes -12 is a negative integer or a negative whole number
12/3 = 4 which is an integer, NOT a mixed number.12/3 = 4 which is an integer, NOT a mixed number.12/3 = 4 which is an integer, NOT a mixed number.12/3 = 4 which is an integer, NOT a mixed number.
11.90 rounded to the nearest integer is 12
3.4641016 is not an integer
Yes it is a integer idiot
-12 is already an integer.