Yes. All numbers that do not give a decimal-free number when divided by 2 are odd numbers. We get 15/2=7.5 => 15 is an odd number;)
15 is an odd number.
Yes, 15 is an odd number.
No, 15204 is not odd.
15 is the second odd number from 12
Only 9 and 15 are odd so the rest can be rejected. 9 is not a triangular number so only 15 is odd and a triangular number.
No, because two odd numbers always add together to be an even number, and a even plus an odd number is an odd number, example: 3+1+11=An even number? 3+1=4 4+11=15 Is 15 even? No. 3+1+11= An odd number (15)
No 9 and 15 is not a number, they are two numbers.
i only know this odd number its 17, 15.
None. Even and odd numbers are defined only for integers and 1.5 is not an integer.
15 is a odd number bcuz it doesnt endz up in 2 wen u add it up
'5' & '15' are odd numbers less than 20 , and are also multiples of '5'.