No, 210 is not a prime number.
210 is not prime. 210 = 2 * 3 * 5 * 7
None, if a number is divisible by 210 then it is not a prime number!
Except in this case, the largest square factor is 1.
211 is a prime number, and is not a factor of 210, so yes, they are relatively prime.
If you mean the greatest prime factor of 210 it is 7.
One is a prime factor of 210 because it goes into 210 equally. Two is a prime factor of 210 because no other number can go into it other then one and itself, and because it goes into 210 equally. Three is a prime factor of 210 because it goes into 210 equally, and because no other number can go into the number three equally, other then 3 and itself. Five is a prime factor of 210 because it divides into 210 equally, and because no other number can go into the number five equally, other then 5 and itself. Seven is a prime factor of 210 because it divides into 210 equally, and because no other number can go into the number seven equally, other then seven and itself.\ Hope this helped!
They are: 2*3*5*7 = 210
The number is 210.Prime factorization lists the prime number factors that when multiplied together yield the factored number. 2 x 3 x 5 x 7 = 210
It is 210.
No square number can be a prime number and conversely.