It is easy to see if 221 is divisible by 6. The number 6 is even and 221 is not. An even number cannot evenly divide an odd number . You get: 36.8333333... recurring A handy rule is: Any number is divisible by 6 if it is divisible by both 2 and 3.
No, 221 is the product of 13 and 17.
No it is not a prime number, because you can multiply 13 and 17 together and get 221 13x17=221
221 is divisible by 1, 13, 17, and 221.
Yes, 221 is a odd number.
Because 17 multiplied by 13 equals 221. So the factors of 221 are 1,13,17 and 221.
221 is a composite number having the factors 1, 13, 17, and 221.
13*17 = 221
All those ending with 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8
No because 221 is a composite number having more than two factors.