Yes. 51 x 5 = 255
Here's an easy way to tell:
Any whole number that ends with a zero or a 5 is a multiple of 5.
It's a multiple of 5. 5x5=255
The LCM of 5, 15, and 17 is 255.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 5 15 17 is 255.
The product of 51 multiplied by 5 is 255. This can be calculated by multiplying the two numbers together: 51 x 5 = 255. The result is a multiple of 5, as any number multiplied by 5 will always result in a multiple of 5.
The least common multiple of the numbers 202 and 255 is 51,510.
The lowest common multiple (LCM) of 111 and 255 is 9435.
The LCM of 132 and 255 is 11220.
The LCM of 170 and 255 is 510.
5 percent of 255 = (255)(.05) = 12.75