

Is 2 litter more than 1gallon?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Is 2 litter more than 1gallon?
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Do tigers produce more than 1 cub?

The usual litter size is 2 to 3.

What is the average birthweight of a raccoon?

New born raccoons weigh from 2-3 ounces. If there are only 2-3 young in the litter they will weigh more than babies born in a larger litter of, say, 5 or more.

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Your cat should have 2 litter boxes. one on the main floor and on in the basement. That's only if you live in a private house. If you live in an amartment than one litter box if more than enough.

Tigers have 70 cubs in a litter don't they?

No. It is more like 2 to 3 cubs per litter.

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The smallest is 2 litres

How many raccoon in one litter?

A female raccoon will usually have 2-5 young in a litter, sometimes more.

How many half gallons equals 1gallon?

2 half gallons equal a gallon.

How many babies can a raccoon have at one time?

Female raccoons have 2 to 7 kits in a litter. Raccoons pregnancies take around 63 days.

How many pups can a raccoon have?

Raccoons can have up to 8 babies, but it is more common to see 2-4 in a litter.

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Some may stay for over a year and help their parents raise the newest litter of kits.

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A guinea pig ownly has a litter of 2-6. A gerbil useully has a litter of 6-13

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There are usually 2 or 3 cubs in a litter but there can be more. But the reality is that usually only 1 or 2 at greatest survive.