The number 32 has only one prime factor: 2The true prime factor for any number is 1.
A prime number is any number that only has only one and itself as factors. By definition even numbers have a factor of two. Therefore the only even number that is prime is the number 2.
No. 14 is an even number and the ONLY even prime is 2.
The only even prime number is the smallest even number, 2.
2The GCF of 2 and any even number is 2.
Only if it is the number 2.
A prime number is any number that only has only one and itself as factors. By definition even numbers have a factor of two. Therefore the only even number that is prime is the number 2.
There is only one even prime number. A prime number is any number that only has only one and itself as factors. By definition even numbers have a factor of two. Therefore the only even number that is prime is the number 2.
Yes. 2 is the only even prime number
2 is an even number with only 2 factors.
The only known even prime number is 2
A prime number is any number that only has only one and itself as factors. By definition even numbers have a factor of two. Therefore the only even number that is prime is the number 2.